A systematic review on Marma Sharira with special reference to Urdhavajatrugata Marma

  • Dr. Sandip Sahmrao Lanje Associate Professor, Dept. of Rachana Sharir, Shri Balahanuman Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya, Lodra, Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat, INDIA.
Keywords: Asthi, Junction, Marma, Prana, Sandhi, Sira


Marma Sthanas are the point of junction of the Mansa, Sira, Asthi, Dhamni and Sandhi where the Prana resides. Ayurvedic Acharyas have classified the Marma Sthanas on the basis of location, number, composition, effects of injury etc. There are total 107 Marma Sthanas mentioned in the Sushruta Samhita present in the Shakha and Skandha. There are total 37 Marma Sthanas which are present in the head and neck region termed as Urdhavajatrugata Marma. Any trauma to the Marma Sthanas produces pain and can be fatal to the life. Therefore the knowledge of Marma is very essential for the surgeon to protect the patient from any harm during the surgery.


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DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v5i06.1156
Published: 2020-12-31
How to Cite
Dr. Sandip Sahmrao Lanje. (2020). A systematic review on Marma Sharira with special reference to Urdhavajatrugata Marma. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 5(06), 278-282. https://doi.org/10.21760/jaims.v5i06.1156
Review Article