A conceptual study on the effect of Mahabala Ghrita Uttara Basti in Mootraghata

  • Vishwanath Dinnimani Post Graduate Scholar, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
  • Shilpa P N Associate Professor, Department of Shalya Tantra, Government Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India.
Keywords: Mootraghata,, BPH,, Uttara Basti,, Mahabala Ghrita,, Ayurveda


In Ayurveda classics, Mootraghata is described as the disease of Mutravaha Srotas which is caused due to vitiation of Vata and Kapha Dosha. The most common symptoms such as retention or obstruction of urine and known urinary tract symptoms, closely resembles with begin prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in modern medicine. the present management of BPH includes conservative and surgical approach. In Ayurveda the drugs having Vata and Kapha pacifying action, Jeevaniya, Vrishya, Mutrala, Sophahara Lekhaniya are recommended for its management. As per the recent epidemiological data, the incidence rate of BPH is 8% in men aged 31-40 years to over 80% in men older than age 80 years. BPH is characterized by progressive enlargement of prostate gland from non-malignant proliferation of smooth muscles and epithelial cells. Androgen plays important role in for these changes in prostate gland. The present available surgical and minimal invasive methods have their own limitations. Hence, to find out a suitable Ayurvedic approach for the management of BPH. After critical literature review Mahabala Ghrita Uttara Basti is selected for study because Acharya Sushruta mentioned Uttara Basti is the choice of treatment in Mootraghata.


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How to Cite
Vishwanath Dinnimani, & Shilpa P N. (2022). A conceptual study on the effect of Mahabala Ghrita Uttara Basti in Mootraghata. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 7(4), 97 - 101. Retrieved from https://jaims.in/jaims/article/view/1846
Review Article