The role of Swarna Bhasma in the treatment of Autoimmune disease

  • Shraddha Sharma Assistant Professor, P.G. Dept. of Kayachikitsa, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Govt. Auto. Ayurved College & Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Swatantra Kumar Chorasia Assistant Professor, P.G. Dept. of Rachna Sharir, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Govt. Auto. Ayurved College & Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
  • Arvind Kumar Yadav Post Graduate Scholar, P.G. Dept. of Rachna Sharir, Pt. Khushilal Sharma Govt. Auto. Ayurved College & Institute, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India.
Keywords: Gold, Swarna Bhasma, Marana, immunomodulator.


According to Ayurveda point of view Swarna Bhasma is considered as the best medicine for various disease. Swarna Bhasma is frequently used in the treatment of autoimmune disorder. It is considered as best remedy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing Spondolosis, SLE (Systemic lupus erythematosus), Multiple sclerosis, GBS (Guillen Barry Syndrome), Myasthenia gravis etc. The Karma of Swarna Bhasma is Vrishya, Brimhana, Medhya, Hridya, Balya, Rasayan, Vajikarana, Smritiprada, Tridoshaghana, Yogwahi, Chkshusya, Ojovridhhikara etc. The indication of Swarna Bhasma is in Prameha, Rajayakshama, Unmada, Jwara, Pandu, Swasa, Kasa, Aruchi, Agnimandya, phthisis, loss of vitality, burning sensation, acidity, microbial infection, toxicity, infertility etc. It can be used in all diseases along with different adjuvants or other medium or herb to speed up the recovery process and to increase the body resistance diseases. Swarna Bhasma is potent antitoxin, immunomodulatory, nootropic, antirheumatic, antimicrobial and antiviral in addition. It is also a nervine tonic. Swarna Bhasma overall acts on all organs in the body, especially it acts on nerves, brain, lungs.


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Kaya Chikitsa – Dr. Ajay Kumar Pandey. Chaukhambha Publication, New Dehli

The role of Swarna Bhasma and Kokilaksa in the management of Ksina Sukra (oligospermia) by Dr. Anoop B Thakar (MD Ayu) PG Scholar, Department of Kaya Chikitsa, Gujarat Ayurved University Jamnagar 1999

Swarna Bhasma and gold compounds: An innovation of pharmaceutics for illumination of therapeutics- Singh Neetu, Chaudhary Anand, IJRAP.>PMC blood compatibility studies of Swarna Bhasma

DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v6i4.1410
Published: 2021-09-15
How to Cite
Shraddha Sharma, Swatantra Kumar Chorasia, & Arvind Kumar Yadav. (2021). The role of Swarna Bhasma in the treatment of Autoimmune disease. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences, 6(4), 285 - 290.
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